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A member registered Oct 10, 2021

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ah yes 3 minutes ago new build

Girlboss Gaslight Gatekeep

Each route is insanely great, with side characters just enhancing the story in a beneficial way. Not a single character written poorly by any means. Me gusta. I can't believe there are no more updates to this game. It's honestly so great. I wish there were more :( but after all, there has to be an end. 

Truly in love with all the characters. Even though a lot of the community are hubba hubba muscle bara awooga, I really think each character is respectable and loveable in their own right <3  Can't wait until updates happen more frequently

(1 edit)


I loved the first build of the novel, though I think it's a little bit obvious who the favourite character out of the three are x) Played through all routes and I like the major differences between the characters. I personally like Lucas more than Oscar and Leigh, but all three characters have their own charms, let alone Wallace being adorable in their own right! :)

The only "issue" I guess I have is the pacing seemed to just go out of wack and suddenly in a, I'm guessing, dream state/ dream scene? Like, when you choose to sit down next to someone, then you get up after a text and suddenly need to save someone from being hung? Just seems sudden and a weird change of pace for me. I'm not a writer personally, so maybe my advice isn't the best, but I feel like it'd be better on the reader if it were worded differently, or if it were presented differently. Otherwise, I do like the direction that this novel is going, and it will be one that I keep up to date with! I love romance / horror series like Echo and TSR and I think this has the capability to reach such stardom! <3 I'd love to be apart of the discord and the process of this VN being built upon, giving feedback where needed :)